28 April 2013

Fall at Hagley Park

We have been enjoying a change of seasons here on the southern island. Hagley park in Christchurch is one of our favorite places to walk and enjoy the fall foliage!

The boys gather leaves in a pile and jump in.

The trees in the park are huge, with some of them being over 100 years old. The tree trunks are the width of a VW Bug car. Very cool!

The evening are crisp and we have taken out the winter blankets and fleece jackets. With the heaters on, we can keep the house at 20 C, with outside temps at night falling to 9 C some nights.

Ben is on vacation for two weeks for school holidays, but Zack and Mike are on regular school/ work schedule.  So, Ben and I have been swimming at Jellie Park pool and Gordon Condon pool. Good way to start the morning.

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