19 November 2013

Rental House Inspection Woes

We have been living in our rental house for three months, so yesterday the property manager came by to inspect the property. She emailed me 3 days prior, so I vacuumed, mowed the lawn, did some dishes, and pulled a few weeds. This is howI would get ready for guests to come to the house to visit.Passable, I thought. Wrong! I failed my house inspection. My yard and house have been declared too untidy, so I now have 2 weeks to bring in a crew to hedge the lawns, steam clean the carpet, and deep clean the house. "I don't need it to be immaculate like the Queen is visiting, but I expect it to be way more tidy than this. I am not impressed." This was the follow up call from the rental manager. Sigh... Things like this make me frustrated. I have seen many houses before that would also qualify as "Untidy"to this high standard. Hopefully the incoming lawn and home cleaners can bring it up to Kiwi standards of sparkling clean and tidy. I need some professional lawn care and home care people to help me in this domestic department. Kiwis are just a bit better domestically than I am. I have hit my limit of cleaning and lawn care. This American living in NZ needs to call in the pros to get it sparkling clean. Clean enough for the Queen to visit. Otherwise, we will have to go to the Tenancy Tribunal. Yikes! I simply cannot move another time this year. I am all burned out from moving.

1 comment:

  1. What this tells me is that while I would love to visit NZ, I would definitely not be able to live there or at least not able to rent there. Alas, while I have some good qualities (at least I hope I do), keeping a pristine house is not one of them.
